Aaron Ledesma of Los Robles Elementary receive personalized
grooming from Steve Ptomey, from the Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park
during PUSD’s 16th annual Butterfield Stage History Education Day.
Recorder Photo by Esther Avila
Aaron takes
a seat in the barber chair; he is here to get a shave for tonight’s big dance. The
barber is dressed in gray pants and matching vest, a white shirt and black
bowtie with a white straw boater hat. He covers Aaron with an apron and fastens
it behind his neck. In the chair next
to Aaron, Sarina is getting her hair styled for the big dance. The barber dips his badger brush in the ceramic
shaving mug then begins lathering Aaron’s face. After dipping the badger brush into the cup
a few more times his lower face and neck are covered. The barber picks up a straight-razor, pulls
the skin taut, and skillfully draws it over Aaron’s face. He wipes the shaving
cream and hair from the razor before drawing it over Aaron’s face again.
Ledesma and Sarina Cabaje are two of the Porterville Unified School District’s 1,629
fourth-graders that participated in the Butterfield Stage History Education Day
at Zalud Park in Porterville. The barber is chief interpreter Steve Ptomey and
the hairdresser is interpreter Jerelyn Olivera, park rangers at Colonel
Allensworth State History Park. Their “Getting
Ready for the Dance” station is one of 60 at the 16th annual education day. Ptomey
told Esther Avila, a reporter for the Porterville Recorder that “The boys are
getting a taste of a straight-razor cut, and learning about toilet water, how
much things cost back then and how it was 100 years ago.” Toilet water is a
lightly scented perfume applied to the skin after bathing or shaving.
The goal of
the yearly event is to spark student interest in California history; which is
part of the fourth grade curriculum. The day is a chance for the students to
leave the textbooks in the classroom and get a small taste of life in 19th
century California. Activities at other stations included animal branding and
sheep shearing demonstrations. Students also had a chance to form a fire bucket
brigade, make corn husk dolls, clean clothes on a washboard, and a host of
other hands on activities.