May 22, 2011

Lantern Light "Ghost Tour"

Colonel's Home
On Saturday, June 4th the California State Parks will host the first of three Lantern Light “Ghost Tours” for 2011.

The Ghost Hunters of the Porterville Ghost Society, the first ghost hunting group to be given permission to investigate Allensworth for paranormal activity, will lead visitors on a night time tour of Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park.

The Ghost Hunters will also share information about their first investigation of Allensworth. Accompanied by a State Park Ranger, a KMPH Channel 26 news crew and the Porterville Recorder, the ghost hunters heard footsteps following them on a gravel roadway. During their first investigation of the park they even managed to record voices, cookware and furniture being moved and the ringing of a 30’s-40’s era phone or alarm clock. Group members also heard the sound of small feet running by the school yard.

The Porterville Ghost Society’s report of the Allensworth Investigation includes EVPS; high-speed version for Electronic Voice Phenomena, recorded in the Smith House and Allensworth Home.

The tours are not recommended for children under 12.

The first tour starts at 8:30 pm with the second tour starting at 10:30pm. The tours cost $10.00 per person.

For more information about the tour or Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park contact Steve Ptomey at 661-849-3433 or email

Stephen Hill, Sr.

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