April 30, 2010

Ghost Tracking

The Fresno Ghost Tracking Meetup Group will be at Colonel Allensworth State Historic Park on Saturday, May 8th for an investigation of the park. The group will meet at the park at 6:00 pm for a tour of the park. After the tour they will break for dinner then return to the park at 10:00 pm to begin the investigation of the park.

The Fresno meetup group is the second ghost tracking group to investigate the park. The first group was the Porterville Ghost Society, on September 12th, 2009. You can read about their investigation in the Winter 2010 issue of the San Diego Chapter of the Friends of Allensworth newsletter.

The cost of the May 12th event is $40.00 per person. To join the Fresno Ghost Tracking Meetup group contact Angie Matthews at the group’s Meetup page.

Stephen Hill, Sr.

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